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Spring Rowing Now No “Pay-To-Play”

We are thrilled to announce that Spring rowing will no longer be a pay-to-play sport, starting with the upcoming 2024 Spring season.

As you may already be aware, good rowing equipment comes with significant costs. In order to keep Northview Rowing competitive, existing boats have to be maintained and new boats have to be purchased. To offset these costs, we organize a number of fundraisers throughout the year. For each fundraiser to be successful, we are going to need 100% participation from every rowing family.

Listed below are three major fundraisers prior to Spring season where we will need your help. We realize that these dates are outside of the Spring rowing season, but rowing is unique in the associated costs compared to other programs. Fundraising is a year-round effort for this program even though the sport is only run in the Spring and Fall.

  • December 8, Movie Night at Highlands for DK-4 grade from 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
  • February 17, 2024 Little Cats Night from 5 PM-9:30 PM
  • March 2024, Chili Cookoff with raffle and silent auction

This is a HUGE achievement for the Northview Rowing program! We hope there are no longer any barriers for students to join crew. Thank you for your continued support of our rowing program.

2 responses to “Spring Rowing Now No “Pay-To-Play””

  1. Andrew J Stelter Avatar
    Andrew J Stelter

    What wonderful news!

  2. Mandy Thompson Avatar
    Mandy Thompson

    This is awesome! Looking forward to seeing a HUGE NV Crew! We’re excited to help out in any way we can!