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3/25/23 Indoor Ergatta Food Signup Genius

Welcome everyone to the Spring 2023 rowing season. We are very excited as we get things kicked off!

At the ergatta, we will be feeding over 30 rowers plus coaches. We plan to have a light breakfast, full lunch and snacks available throughout the day. Please remind your rower to bring their water bottles. 

Note: Prior to arrival, ideally athletes should eat 3 hours before the race. Oatmeal, eggs, toast, fruits, and veggies. It is highly recommended no heavy meats or sugary cereals for breakfast, as this could have an effect on how they feel during the race. We are trying to emphasize healthy, fuel foods for between races. 

With your help, we look forward to providing the best for our kids. Please click the sign up link below to donate food items. For convenience, this year we are offering the option to make monetary donations though the website and the food coordinator will shop for what is needed the day before the event. Visit our website to find donation link and get updates on the season. Please still sign up for items and if you are donating money, please make a note in the comment section so that I have a list of what to buy.

Any questions, please contact our food coordinator using info below

Lindsey O’Callaghan

Thank you